On July 21, at the sanctuary of Maria Kirchental in Sankt Martin bei Lofer, within the context of the Skapulierfest, a celebration of a renowned local brotherhood, the official welcome ceremony of the Marian Community - Oasis of Peace took place, with the Archbishop of Salzburg, Monsignor Franz Lackner, handing over the keys of the sanctuary.
In these lines, we want to share our joy for the new mission that the Church, through the Archbishop's hands, entrusts to us. Our desire is to respond to the call of Mary, Queen of Peace, and to be an authentic Oasis of Peace here as well, a small Medjugorje, where the heart can experience an encounter with Christ, our Peace. The sanctuary of Maria Kirchental is a holy place, the destination of many pilgrimages and the site of many miracles; and it is our wish that it may continue to shine in all its beauty, carrying on its mission as a Marian site where the Mother calls Her children to experience an encounter with God. Therefore, we want to be a true Marian home, where people can breathe in prayer, experience a family-like welcome, receive listening and closeness, discover the richness of the path of Peace to which Mary calls us.
As our general superior, Father Martino, said on the day of the celebration, the gesture of handing over the keys holds a high symbolic value: it signifies the responsibility of being mediators, intercessors, to allow the encounter between God and humanity. This is the desire that motivates us as a community.
We thank Mary, Queen of Peace, for this new mission entrusted to us.
We thank Archbishop Monsignor Franz Lackner, and together with him, the entire Archdiocese, for the trust placed in us and for their attentive and caring welcome. We thank the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart, who have cared for the sanctuary for almost a century, for the warmth and support shown during these months of transition.
We entrust the journey that awaits us to God, with the joyful awareness that He will continue to work wonders in the lives of those who come to this place of grace.